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Diversity & Inclusion

United and diverse, we stand.


Cybage has embraced diversity, inclusivity, and equity since its inception. We respect the unique needs, viewpoints, and capabilities of all our employees, and our commitment to becoming a workplace where everyone feels equally involved in and supported has only gotten stronger over the years.

Diversity Drives Us; Inclusion Inspires Us

Our inclusive culture is committed to gender equality and differently-abled individuals. The recognition received by NASSCOM for ‘Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion’ and People Matters for the ‘Best in Employer Branding’ bears testimony that we prioritize talent and abilities over gender, creed, or persons with disabilities.


Diversity & Inclusion: A Cornerstone of Our Value

At Cybage, the belief in creating an inclusive workspace begins at the top of its leadership and flows across every department. Founded with diversity and inclusion at its core, Cybage continues to learn, evolve, and aspire to be a place where all employees feel equal.

D&I infographic

Accolades & Achievements in D&I

As Cybage prepares for a post-pandemic future, our values will continue to evolve. We are determined to connect these to our organization's purpose to bring unity among all. Cybage will continue to focus on its core values and initiatives of diversity and inclusion that have helped in sparking a quick recovery and sustainable growth for the business. We will continue to acknowledge the importance of these values and take it a notch higher.

  • Recognized by the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) For ‘Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion’ at the NASSCOM Corporate Awards 2019
  • Rated 3.9 for Culture & Values on Glassdoor
  • Rated 3.8 for Diversity & Inclusion on Glassdoor
  • Received public recognition for gender equality policies, practices, and processes

Creating an Inclusive Workplace

With a deep understanding and commitment to building an inclusive culture, we continue to incorporate more sustainable improvements in our workplace. The efforts of each of our employees help us drive change and create a haven of an inclusive workplace.

Working Towards an Inclusive Future

Working Towards an Inclusive Future

Diversity & Inclusion
Women Leadership
We prioritize gender diversity at Cybage, with over 33% of our workforce being women, the highest rate in the country. This is a testament to our commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace.
Diversity & Inclusion
Our "Mumployees" initiative supports new moms with nursing rooms, work flexibility, and unique facilities, enabling them to pursue career goals while maintaining work-life balance.
Diversity & Inclusion
Inclusive Policies
We have a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, bribery, unethical conduct, and dignity violations. Our HR manual covers Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) policy, backed by an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to address these matters.
Diversity & Inclusion
Equal Opportunity
We believe in fairness and equal opportunities for all employees to excel in diverse roles. We maintain an unbiased approach to work and refrain from discrimination based on age, race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.
Diversity & Inclusion
Data Science Driven Company
As a data-driven company, we prioritize competence over experience. With an in-house predictive analytics platform, we minimize biases in assessing employee value, creating a fair and inclusive workplace.
Diversity & Inclusion
Supplier Diversity
We prioritize skill-based and bias-free hiring for equal opportunities. Our Talent Acquisition team conducts recruitment drives with gender-neutral job descriptions and balanced interview panels to eliminate bias.
Diversity & Inclusion
Learning and Development Programs
We offer on-the-job training and learning programs to foster growth. Through mentoring and tailored programs and various initiatives such as soft skills, knowledge management, etc., we encourage quality work and employee happiness.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer

Cybage believes in 'being just,' and provides equal opportunities for its employees to thrive in diverse roles and responsibilities.

Across the board, we take an unbiased approach to work and do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, sex, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.

We are an equal opportunity employer

We value our employees, and we therefore:

  • Encourage them to report any kind of harassment or incident without any fear of retaliation.
  • Don't force our employees to reveal their gender identity or sexual orientation through internal processes.
  • Uphold our longstanding commitment to pay equity and address the gender wage gap in a comprehensive manner with our performance-based appraisal system.
  • Offer all major religious festivals as floating holidays since our workforce is religiously diverse.
  • Organize internal events to honor each minority ethnic group's festivals and celebrations.
  • Reward outstanding contributions with Gratifi, Cybage's R&R platform.

We believe in skill-based and bias-free hiring

As part of our inclusive culture, we strive for equal employment opportunities. To that effect, our Talent Acquisition team actively conducts multiple recruitment drives to find the right candidates. 

For us, all applicants are equal, and to remove gender bias during hiring, we give gender-neutral descriptions, ensure that interview panels are balanced, and hold gender sensitization sessions for recruiters and hiring managers.

Even ‘Campus Recruits’ are welcomed and given every opportunity to shine through various innovative soft skills and technical training programs. Cybage is noted for churning campus recruits into rock-solid professionals in the shortest possible time.

We believe in skill-based and bias-free hiring

We upskill our employees through learning & development programs

At Cybage, we believe that the best way to help employees thrive and bridge their learning gap is through a blend of on-the-job experience and formal and informal learning.

The objective is always to achieve quality work and consistent productivity, by focusing on the employees’ happiness and contentment. We deliver this through a mixture of coaching, mentoring, training programs, workshops, and sessions with the managers and leadership.

Our Technical Skills, Soft Skills, Knowledge Management, Work-Life Balance, Leadership, and Diversity programs provide opportunities for Cybagians at all levels to grow as employees.

We ensure that every Cybagian has the privilege to upskill, and upgrade without bias!

We upskill our employees through learning & development programs

We value our women employees

Over 33% of Cybage's employees are women, which is the highest rate in the country.

We have implemented the following programs & policies to support work-life balance for them:

We value our women employees
  • Maternity leave policy
  • Work-from-home policy
  • Human dignity policy 
  • Safe environment policy
  • Disciplinary action process
  • Bias-free hiring
  • Grievance cell
  • Conveyance for women
  • Whistleblower policy
  • Health awareness sessions
  • Restroom and medical room facilities
  • Free check-ups
  • Program for mothers—Mumployees

We are a data-science driven company

Cybage firmly believes that competence trumps experience, and a competent employee is duly accredited.

Our desire to create a bias-free workplace where all perspectives are valued led us to build an in-house predictive analytics platform. This platform minimizes the effect of human biases while deciding the value of an employee to the firm, irrespective of gender, ethnicity, location, etc. This allows people from all communities to feel included and welcomed into the Cybage family.

We are a data-science driven company

We have inclusive policies

At Cybage, we strongly advocate zero tolerance for sexual harassment, bribery, unethical behavior, and acts against human dignity.

As a part of our company's policies, we have the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (P.O.S.H.) policy included in our HR manual. We also have an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to handle sexual harassment complaints and have the active involvement of the leadership team in executing the P.O.S.H. policy. Additionally, our ‘open door policy’ allows employees to meet with senior management and share their concerns.

We have inclusive policies

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